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Keeper of Secrets

Sarah J. Dodd / Deryn Edwards
Eleven-year-old Emily doesn't think Badger Cottage - where she's had to move with her vet father after her mum died - will ever be home. But there is something out there that needs her: a bright pair of eyes in the darkness.In the middle of a fierce battle between a conservation project to rewild the lynx in the woods and the local farmers Emily tries to shield a baby lynx she calls Lotta afraid it will be killed by the person who shot its mother. Can Emily work out who the illegal hunter is in time? Who can she trust?

  • Published by Oakhill Publishing
  • Fiction/Non-FictionFiction
  • Genre Adventure
  • Target Audience Children
  • Released 1st October 2021
  • Duration 04 Hrs. 51 Mins.
  • ISBN 9781399102285